What is Osteopathy?


Osteopathy is an established, effective and reliable form of treatment which recognises the importance of the structure and mechanics of the body and how it functions. Osteopaths work on the musculoskeletal system (muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments) to find areas of restriction, tension, inflammation etc. that affect the mechanics and how the body functions as a whole.  


Osteopathy considers each person individually whether their issue is from injury, repetitive strain, poor posture, or an occupational cause. A variety of hands on techniques are used to restore normality and overall function to create the optimal environment, which aids the healing process and reduce pain and disability.


Osteopathy originated from the United States in the 1870s by its founder Dr Andrew Taylor Still, the first physician to fully recognise the relationship between the body’s structure and function to produce and maintain overall physical and mental wellbeing. The Osteopathy we see today is based on these original discoveries and clinical experience. In 2017 Osteopathy was formally recognised as an Allied Health Profession by the NHS.


Osteopathy is regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and the title Osteopath is protected by law to prevent unregistered practice.

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Contact us today to discuss your treatment.